Operational Status

Product Sales No Issues No Issues No Issues
Services No Issues No Issues No Issues



RDM Management continues to monitor the situation with COVID-19 and each division is following recommended guidance from respective Governments.

All RDM offices remain operational and we continue to adjust our strategy to ensure we continue to supply services and products to our customers, who in turn provide vital services including healthcare and production, distribution & sales of food around the world.

We are working closely with customer and suppliers. Our managers are monitoring the situation daily and are in constant communication with their staff and customers. We remain committed to serving our customers, both new and old, with top-level service.

The safety of our customers, staff and their families is of the highest importance and as per previous communications order collections from RDM offices remains suspended. We continue to have a majority of our staff working from home with our remote RDM cloud systems. Staff that remain working from the RDM offices in distribution or support services are following social distancing guidelines and have access to hand sanitisers and masks.

We continue to follow government advice and already have in place a phased return to work plan to be implemented when the lockdown is relaxed or removed.


Our stock levels remain strong. Our manufacturing facility based in Taiwan is working with suppliers/distributors to minimise and mitigate any component supply which is affected by the shutdown of companies in China in January and February. Our stocks and component supply is currently having no issues from this.

We have £1.2 mil stock in the UK and >£3 mil stock in our supply chain.

Our current ocean shipments are unaffected. Both ocean freight and air freight carriers are not reporting any issues.

Stock Recommendation to Customers

Due to the uncertain situation with regards to COVID-19 around the world, we would recommend customers reviewing stock requirements for the next 3-6 months and ensuring orders are placed with RDM as early as possible to allow us to manage to requirements and availability.

Contingency Planning

Due to the location of offices and distributors around the globe, we can fulfil orders from other divisions should one division be affected.

For Monitoring services, we have countermeasures in place allowing key staff to work from home with no effect on the level of service to the client.

In addition to Technical Support staff who can work from home, we do have Technical Support staff in the UK, Malaysia and USA who can handle technical support and warranty queries.

We have production staff in Taiwan, UK and USA.


To minimise risk to staff in our offices and to customers travelling for training (often by air), we have suspended face-to-face training at our office locations.

For any training requirements, our Technical Sales team can arrange training via Video Conference.


We would like to thank our customers and staff for all their support during this unprecedented time.


COVID-19 Coronavirus Update Links

UK - https://www.gov.uk/government/topical-events/coronavirus-covid-19-uk-government-response

Malaysia - http://www.moh.gov.my/index.php/pages/view/2019-ncov-wuhan

USA - http://coronavirus.gov/